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Talks & presentations
- Multi-platform software development from embedded to server systems
- Supporting fairly-sized networks of remote computers
- Releasing software to thousands of users at the same time
- Work in a FLOSS-first fashion
- Architecture and design of complex systems and multi-disciplinary solutions
- Involving low-maintenance automation
Professional work
Worked in the fields of
- Public transportation
- Digital Signage
- IoT devices
- Multimedia, Audio & Video
- Communications networks (SIP, Asterisk)
Free and Open Source Software
Notable contributions and projects:
- Ubuntu Touch: a mobile OS built on Ubuntu
- Halium: a mobile container and integration layer for GNU/Linux on Android devices
- SailfishOS: A GNU/Linux mobile OS, ported to the Samsung Galaxy Nexus
- GhostCloud: a synchronization framework and app in C++ with Qt
- GhostCloud for macOS: A FileProvider for macOS with transparent synchronization
- WayDroid: A solution to run Android apps on GNU/Linux
- Tide IDE: A WebAssembly & Linux app environment for developers
- Pocket VMs: A virtual machine manager and QEMU frontend for Ubuntu Touch & Snap environments
- ISODrive: Install GNU/Linux distributions off an Ubuntu Touch or SailfishOS device
- Unity 7: The former desktop environment shipped by Ubuntu
- libscheisse: A WebAssembly-capable library to brighten up grammatically correct German sentences
Halium contributions:
- Android HALs: parts of integrating OS with Halium-compatible HALs
- Sony Xperia X port (suzu)
- Google Pixel 3a port (sargo)
- JingPad A1 port improvements
- Fairphone 4 & 5 port improvements
- mechanicd: Services for integrating Android hardware over DBus
- haliumqsgcontext: Plugin for multi-threaded texture uploads in Qt on Android EGL
Ubuntu Touch contributions:
- Work on the Lomiri desktop environment
- System-wide NFC support, including security work and development experience
- Providing contributor experience via the Platform Development Kit
- Wireless Desktop Mode off a phone or tablet using Aethercast
- Camera viewfinder mapping into apps through qtubuntu-camera
- Highly performant default QR Code reader app
- Playback of remote HTTP(S) content in apps via media-hub & qtubuntu-media
- Sweetspot between power-saving and performance
- Forward-porting and polishing camera support in QtWebEngine
- Multimedia handling in QtWebEngine using Halium OMX facilities
- Smooth trackpad scrolling in the qtubuntu/ubuntumirclient Qt Platform Abstraction
- Graphics subsystem improvements for running on Android hardware
- Bringing Linux Snap support to more devices
- Various apps released in the official Open Store
- Many more